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Capture the Moments that Matter.

In Lakeside, we encourage taking photos to remember certain events. Photos allow people who weren't there with you to get a sense of the good times they missed. Pictures can also bring back grand memories that could have otherwise been lost to time.
Lakeside is an unofficial sponsor of Imgur, a picture-sharing website where you can copy your image address and share your photos with people around the world. When submitting photos, we want imgur links, so that we can easily upload them to this site. Players who submit an invalid link will be notifyed, and asked to send a valid link. If the player is unsure why they're link is invalid, the Imgur link sharing process will be explained.
Have photos that you want the community to see? Share them with us! All photos will be sorted into categories based on what they capture. Pictures will be credited by whoever sent them, so be sure to include your username!

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